Here's wishing for you all..a Lovely Day!
I have plans this afternoon to take dear son to the dr. at 2:45 for a follow up appointment to make sure that the antibiotics he took did the trick on helping his ear to heal..and to make sure that the ear is healing properly.
Well, I have come to the conclusion that no matter what..I'm going to have a better attitude about things that I cannot control. No sense in worrying myself to pieces about things.Time for me to cheer up and remind myself that everything will be "o.k." :0)
So..with that in mind..I have things to get done today..and hopefully I can face the day in a much better attitude..and with grace.:0)
Here's wishing that you too have a lovely day!
Take time to smell the roses along the way.:0)
~The Garden Goose~

now evening....
well, the dr's visit went..well not like I expected..my son's ear is not healing like it should..the ear drum is still infected and not closing..so the dr. precribed even stronger meds/antibiotic and ear drops and we go back in 10 days..if things have not started improving..then we are to see an ear/nose/throat specialist..and it may mean surgery. Of course I am very upset about this.
This week has really not been a good week at all for my family..and then with the news about my son's ear not healing..it really breaks my heart.
I just pray, pray, pray that his ear will get better and real soon.
Things at my husband's job are terrible..his boss is making things extremely difficult for him right now, another thing to pray about.
My husband is working on looking for another job.
but..all in all things will work out and "All is well".
Oldest daughter and I worked in the front yard this evening..I worked on trimming hedges along the driveway/walkway and pulling grass out of the flowerbeds and daughter worked on pulling grass and other weeds.
It's getting there, but taking time.
Always more weeds than you think when you start the job..ha.
Here's wishing you all a Happy 4th of July!
I have a small seedless watermelon in the refrigerator that I'll cut up tomorrow afternoon. I think we'll all get outdoors tomorrow and have a family picnic of sorts in the backyard as long as the weather holds out.
Have a nice evening!
~The Garden Goose~
I pray that things will work out for you. I hated to hear about your son's ear. I pray that maybe these new meds will do the trick. Cheer up my friend. Where is the friend that let me rant and vent my anger out on and had all those encouraging words for me.? Just hang in there. I hope you and yours will have a wonderful and blessed 4th of July
she has felt like crying the last few days ..but..she's here..just feeling a bit down lately..but trying to kick herself in the seat of the pants and left her chin up..and keep it up.:0)
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