My husband recently ordered a vintage book off of Ebay, and tucked in the front of the old book, was an old piece of paper printed with a unique design that had clothes on a line and some pots and pans and a little poem called "The Housewife's Prayer" it had the name of Florence Reddaway, then on the back "made in Great Britian"..I do not know how old the paper is... as I could not find a date, nor could I find information about Ms. Reddaway online.But..I wanted to share the poem with you all, and felt that a Sunday was a good day to share a poem like this:
The Housewife's Prayer :by Florence Reddaway
Lord, in the daily round,the common task,
The little niggling needs that each day brings,
Give me a spirit that will rise, I ask,
Above the tyranny of little things.
Of little things,the petty jars and frets,
The trivial cares that make a woman's day,
The disappointments and the small upsets
That prick the nerves,and tongue and temper fray.
Give me, O Lord,the vision that can see
Beauty in homely tasks,in work well done,
Beauty in homely tasks,in work well done,

Accept my lot,nor wish an easier one.
Give me the perspective,that the little things
May keep their little places,nor overbear
The faith and hope that are the spirit's wings
To rise in Thee,Dear Lord:grant this my prayer.
I hope that you all have a lovely day today.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
~The Garden Goose~
Lovely poem Tina, thanks for sharing and I hope Paul is feeling better real soon! Hugs!!
Hi Tina :) Thanks for sharing that. I think I will add it to my "mommy encouragement file". Have a most blessed week! Love, Q
love the poem. and what great encouragement!
Really enjoyed that poem. Glad to hear that your hubby is doing better. Just hope you and the kids don't get it. Hope you and yours have a blessed evening.
We need all the prayers we can get.. Have a nice week.
And small upsets that prick the nerves... that must mean computers and telemarketers.
Thank you for the prayer!
Hi Tina,
Yes , Faith and Hope sure are the Spirit`s Wings. Lovely Poem even
for Grandmas.
So thankful Paul is feeling better.
We pray for healing but do not set a deadline, it is after all in his
time. Love M
Thank you for sharing this lovely, prayerful poem. . .
This poem is very gracious and uplifting. It's also a wonderful reminder of God's love for us in our everyday duties. Thank you for sharing it :)
Hi Tina,
I love this.Thanks for sharing.
What a beautiful prayer. She may have written it for housewives, but I think it's applicable to anyone who finds the daily grind of daily tasks odious. Have faith in your vocation!
hello Tina, don't you just love hidden treasures in old nooks. That's a lovely poem.
I have that same poem, with the same artwork, on the wall of my utility room! It belonged to my husband's great aunt Amy Clark of Mankato, KS. She taught music for years in a "school for wayward girls" at the early-to-middle part of the last century. One of the other heirlooms we have from her is a set of tea-towels made by the "the girls" as part of their education in the gentle domestic arts. They are embroidered with scenes of women doing housewifely things such as hanging up laundry, wiping dishes, etc. -- in heels and seamed stockings! Thankfully, a bye-gone day.
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