It has been "butterfly time" here in our yard as of late. Lots of Gulf Fritillary butterflies laying their eggs on the passion vine flowers..and the yellow sulphurs ..a few of them flitting around amongst the blanket flowers that remain in the cottage garden.
Cooler weather..and just a lovely time of the year.
I am in the mood for a give away now. I had to have my hubby print off some of my photos for a local contest(mentioned in a previous post) and I have a smaller print available of one of my entry photos that I'd like to have a drawing for.
(shown here)
The image is on a good quality photo paper and will be signed by "yours truly".
Simply leave me a comment about what you enjoy about this time of year..and your name will go into the pot.
The drawing will be held on Wednesday Sept.26th.
~The Garden Goose~
Hi Tina,
I love fall. The smells ,the colors and most of all the weather. :)
Thanks for your visit. Next time have a cookie and some tea. :)
I love going to the pumpkin patch with the kids, sipping hot apple cider, hearing the leaves crunch underneath our feet, and getting our sweaters out.
-Elizabeth F.
Beautiful photos and wonderful blog you have here!
Elizabeth just about covered it all didn't she. I like it when the days are cooler and the sun is shining--it just feels good. calmer. I could go cuz I just like Autumn. MB
Such a beautiful picture. I just love butterflies and am a bit sad I will have to say goodbye to them for quite some time. In Springtime they will be back again, so that is a long wait, but I can watch the birds in my garden now. I hope my little Robin will return.
Have a great day !!
greetings from The Netherlands
Hi my friend.. I love the crisp breeze,rosy cheeks, hot cocoa, the foliage of all colors, the smell of firewood, the crunching sound of leaves beneath our feet, SWEATERS & sleeping with the windows open!!
fondly ..Deena
I love the excitement as halloween approaches my youngest was born a few days after this holiday so she always gets real excited as she knows her birthday will soon happen
Hi Tina,
Having grown up on New York City I have many fond memories of the fall. My father used to take me for walks in the park.My mom's homemade cakes. And now that I am all grown up I enjoy taking my kids for walks too. I love the crisp air. I love the change of colors of the leaves as they fall and absolutely adore the holidays. So many wonderful things to enjoy when it comes to the fall. Can't wait for it all to arrive!... ;-)
Janet's Creative Pillows
Skies in October have a color all their own... that deep blue that just goes perfectly with the tinted trees. Autumn is my personal favorite seasonal of all. I enjoy reading your blog.
Hi Tina,
Fall is such a perfect time of the year. The cooler air, the changing leaves, everyone seems to be in a better mood, instead of complaining about the heat. What's not to love? Lol. Spending more time outside is such a pleasure now!
Thank you kindly for visiting my blog.
Thanks for your thoughtful comment on my blog. You are poetic!
There are so many things I love about fall I don't know where to start.
It is a time of new beginnings for me. My birthday is in the fall. I loved school as a child and I think that the picture of a schoolbus stopping for children in the morning, toting their lunchboxes and school supplies, and wearing new hand-knit sweaters, along a country road, with all the red and yellow and orange and still-green leaves, and the sun shining (it never rains in October, does it?) just about sums up most of the things I love about the fall. With the possible exception of having the pantry bursting with all the home-canned goods "All is safely gathered in, 'fore the winter storms begin.."
Dear Tina, I love to breathe in the cool, crisp air in the mornings, I love the deep blue sky in the afternoon and the smell of a campfire in the evening. Fall is simply the best!! Thank you so much for inviting me over ~ I would be honored to own one of your prints ~ xxoo, Dawn
I love all that fall has to offer and bless us with! And I love your photos, that caterpiller on the vine is awesome!!
Fall is my most favorite season. It seems a lot of us bloggers love it. It smells good, it's pretty...and it's the doorway to the best holidays of the year, IMHO.
And it's the time of the year for Caramel Apples! Mmmmm!
Thanks for your good wishes at my blog. I feel pretty good today!
Beautiful photography!
What I enjoy about this time of year? The coolness after a long, hot summer. The change in colors on the landscape. Vibrancy in the air and the hearty soups and flavors. Early darkness and cozy evenings. Content.
:) LaTeaDah
I love the crisp mornings and the chill of the sundown. I also like to do more baking and slow-cooking in the autumn. And is there anything like the earthy smell of walking through fallen leaves?
I love autumn.
I'd love to have one of your beautiful photos. They're amazing! I especially like the caterpillar below.
Thanks for inviting me over!
Thanks for the invite to your blog and giveaway. Please add my name to your hat. Fall has come to NEvada and much welcomed cooer weather. Hope your enjoying fall. Thanks again, Allison
Your pictures are just beautiful!
I love Autumn, my favorite time of year. Definitely appreciate the cooler weather and all the wonderful colors. Nothing beats that tang in the air!
I found my way here by way of Gracious Hospitality and may I say you have a very lovely blog.
Yes, aside from the cooler air, the autumn scents, and colorful scenery--Fall for me is also about the "extras". I love dressing up in sweaters and jackets. I love walking in the rain with my umbrella in hand. I enjoy sharing my little care case I carry in purse of tissues, throat lozenges, and tea bags. Most of all I love walking arm in arm with my husband on one side and my son on the other to keep warm. :)
Mine is going to be different than everyone else. Sure, I love the cooler temps, the colorful leaves, and such. It's the thrill knowing that our show season has kicked into overdrive, climbing on the back of a horse, knowing your in for a heck of a ride(cooler weather always fires them up), cozing up to your favorite horse in the cold mornings and feeling its warmth, watching the goats kick up on cool mornings, staying on the road going to shows and seeing all the beautiful sights, sitting around the campfire with your loved ones,having the extra zing in your step, all the horse rides that happens in the fall,and milking in the cool mornings and have your hands warmed by the warmth of their udders, and laying your head on their warm bodies. Hope you and yours have a blessed day.
OH, and knowing that I turn a year older!!!!!!! lol
I love the Colors...and the crispness to the air and believe it or not I am ready for the SHORTER days...
The smell, the colors, the cool evenings. The light seems different.
Thanks for having a drawing, love drawings.
Fall is a beautiful time of the year here in the Pacific Northwest. We have beautiful Vine Maple trees that turn to wonderful shades of yellow, orange and red. I always pick a bouquet to put on the table for some fall decorating.All the trees are lovely here in the fall.
i love being able to sit on our front porch swing and enjoy the nice breeze and i love everything pumpkin-the patch, the pies, the bread...
Hi Tina,
Thank you for commenting on my blog and letting me know about your drawing. Your photos are beautiful and I'd love to have the chance to win one.
Now, about Fall....I'm in beautiful New England and I love the changes in the trees here, especially the maples. The colors are gorgeous! I love the cooler crisp temperatures with low humidity, watching the children playing in the leaves, picking pumpkins in the garden, picking apples and watching cider being made (we have several orchards here in my small town), decorating my home...the list could go on and on. But one of my most favorite things about fall is the Durham Fair, it's the largest of the fairs in my state and is held at the end of September. The children and I wait all year for it to come and we have been entering in it for the past 7 years. What fun it is and what wonderful memories we create each year.
Oh, and I was married in early 25th anniversary is actually this Monday, Sept. 24th. :-)
I love the crisp mornings and the subtle turn of the leaves.
I enjoy the cooler weather, the feeling of snuggling up in a warm sweater or under a fuzzy blanket. I like the smell of apples, the flurry of canning and the crisp evenings when the sky is clear and you can see so many stars.
I enjoy bright, blue weather,leaves changing color, outdoor festivals, football, spider lilies and yellow butterflies.
This year will be the 1st year that I will have my cute little cherry camper and I am going to love the cool fall days and nights to sit in it,Drinking hot tea, hot chocolate, taking naps, reading, drawing and just enjoying the quiet. I love fall but this year gives me even more reasons to love it!
Fall is such a wonderful time. The weather cools, as we prepare for Halloween. Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner. Such wonderful family times are in store!!!
Just love those butterflies. It is Spring here in Australia - I just love the freshness of everything Spring.
crisp air-open windows- clothesline fresh sheets-and lots of porch time. Fall! Of course I love it- and my name?
Autumn-really it is!!
My birthday is in the fall and it of coursemy favorite time of the year. I love the crunch that the leavesake when little children are leughing and running through them.
Just came across your blog. It's lovely. I love what I like about this time of year is the cooler, crisp weather, the dark rich colors that the hills hold as the tree change color...and now I can officially say I love to look out the window at the snow capped mountains. (We got snow over the weekend in the local MTS.) Hope you'll take a stroll over to my blog and visit.
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