Put all of the names onto little slips of paper into a small canning jar..had my hubby draw the name...and drumroll please....
The Winner is:
Dee Light from "Fancy That".
Congratulations DeeLight!
Please email me through my profile here and I'll get your gift out to you asap.
Since I had so many enter the drawing I decided to award a print to another lucky gal...So I had hubby draw a 2nd name also...
So we actually have 2 winners this time around.
2nd winner is "Alpicks Treasures".
Please email me through my profile here with your address and I'll get your gift out to you also asap.
Thank you all so much for joining in the fun!
Well..let's see what has been going on here since I last wrote?...
Today the lawn got mowed by our lawn service..a really sweet couple that have been doing our lawn at a very reasonable price for ..oh about 4 yrs now or so. They do very good work, mow, edge, remove any weeds growing up in the walk, blow off the walkways/patios.
The lawn always looks so very pretty when they are done.
Hubby is finally able to be up and about a bit more..still getting his strength back, but doing better every day..yay! The flu certainly packs a punch when one has a weakened immune system, but we are working on getting my hubby healthy again after 7 yrs. of exposure to mold in a sick building. Healing takes time, but I believe we are on the mend now.
I have been recieving a few packets of seeds here and there from the gals over at Mary Jane's Farm website. I have been bartering vintage look Victorian styled postcard reproductions in exchange for flower/veggie seeds. As mentioned in a previous post..I am wanting to start a small backyard nursery/selling small potted plants.
Friday evening my oldest daughter and I will be visiting the Visual Arts Center here in our town for the opening reception/awards banquet for the Photo contest that we entered last week. The showing of the photos lasts until October 19th.
I actually am hoping that one of us has placed a ribbon in the event. We shall find out on Friday at 8 p.m.

We thoroughly enjoy putting the magazine together...and love hearing from our readers.
We thought that Fall was here to stay this week, but then today we wound up with some hot and humid summer time weather...uggh!
We had temps in the upper 70's a few days ago..and then today it was back up to 92..ugh..with a heat index of about 99 or so.
I will be glad when Fall decides to actually stay for longer than a day. As I have so many projects that I want to get done outdoors , but I admit that I am a heat wimp...cannot stand the heat and excess humidity.
Yeah..I don't cherish that "southern glow" thing as much as some might...ha.
My yo-yo garland for the Christmas tree is nearly done. I sewed up about 40 more yo-yo's to add to the strand that I already had started. And yeah..I got a wee bit lazy on it..wanted to hurry and get it done, so on some of the yo-yo's I didn't turn down the edges..eeek...fer shame fer shame... ha...but hey..if you don't look too close, you can't tell..ha. Plus it's only being used as a tree garland anyhow, and will work just fine.
When I get all of the yo-yo's added to the strand it should be about 15 feet long, thereabouts.
Will look real cute for the homespun look I am going for this year. I'm thinking that I'll probably make up about a dozen mini aprons to go around the tree too.Also the new issue of Small Town Living has a few tutorials of some more items that I'll be adding to my tree this year.
Well..that's all for today! I had a few more things to share but didn't want to get too long winded and will share the other with you all tomorrow.
Thanks for joining me in "blogland"
Have a lovely evening!
~The Garden Goose~
I really like your mag and thanks for the heads up about the next issue! You have also encouraged me to check out MJ boards for a barter. I LOVE MJ!!! We too want to plant some heirloom varieties next year. I look forward to your posts on that!! I can't wait to see how your garden grows! And I so do hope you share about your yo-yo garland. I have never seen one before! Pics please ;) and can you tell me how to make one?? :)
I'm looking forward to the next edition of Small Town Living. A 50-page magazine is a major undertaking!
So glad to hear that Paul is feeling better, me too! Thanks!! I see my little sister was winner #2, good for her, she will enjoy your print!
I'm so happy to have won your wonderful butterfly print!!! Thank You!!
Sounds like things have been busy for you. I'm glad to hear your husband is feeling better!!!
A YoYo garland for the Christmas tree, So lovely!!!
Oh, and I'm ready for fall too. Those little tastes of 70 degree weather make it really hard to take the 90 degree days!!
Best of luck with the photo contest! Of course, any winnings will not be luck, but much talent on your part! Sounds like fun!
:) LaTeaDah
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