Such a pretty Fall day here. Cooler weather, and the sun is a shining.I do love the Fall weather.
Well..dear daughter and I took our photo entries to the Visual Arts Center yesterday evening. It did not look like there were as many entries this year into the show, but they do accept the entries today also, so..they may catch up to last years numbers.
I hope at least one of us places a ribbon.
My daughter entered 3 images into the "youth" category...and I entered 3 images.
I wanted to let you all know that the blog called "Love Homemaking" is having a comment contest over on her blog.
"Cleaning your home shouldn't be a chore, it should be an experience! That's why I'd like to give you a copy of "The All Natural Cleaning Guide." This guide includes tips and tricks to clean your home from top to bottom, while keeping your family and the planet safe from harm. Topics include how to freshen the air, all-purpose cleaning as well as how to clean; floors, furniture, metal, carpets, drains, windows and glass. Safe and effective ways to clean bathrooms, mildew and hard water stains. Plus, laundry care and removing stains. "
We have lots of Gulf Fritillary butterflies flitting around the yard this time of year. They visit the Passion Vine to lay their eggs, as the plant is the host plant for the caterpillars.The butterflies enjoy the nectar from the lantana flowers also.

We have 2 jars of caterpillars in various stages on the kitchen counter..with passion vine leaves in the kids can watch them turn into chrysalises and hatch out.

I've also had a pretty little hummingbird at the hummingbird feeder several times a day.
Last night when hubby and I were outside sitting in our courtyard area..the hummingbird flew up to a salvia plant about 3 feet away from pretty to watch them.
Last year I managed to capture a picture of the hummingbird at our bottle brush plants.
Well... I hope that you have a beautiful day today. ...and enjoy the beauty around you.

Well... I hope that you have a beautiful day today. ...and enjoy the beauty around you.
Thanks for joining me in "blogland"
~The Garden Goose~
Wow! I'm very impressed with the shot of the humming bird. Excellent catch!
thank you very much Walter. It was one of those"wow!" moment of those.."I have always wanted to.."
type of shots..and when the moment presented itself..I simply was there at the right time. So glad you liked the image. Thanks for visiting my blog and I hope that you'll stop back by sometime soon.
Did you take those pictures?
They are WONDERFUL!!!!
Great Job.
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