I can never have too many friends..:0)
And I went about to discover for myself a whole lot more...gals that love home making, the simpler ways of life, cottage decorating,farm style living....and just..enjoying life.
I have added their lovely blogs here for you to be able to visit as well.
I've added the following blog sites recently..feel free to visit these charming spots on the "web":
By Grace
Daisy Cottage
Freedom Valley Farm
Down To Earth
Gumbo Lily
Backyard Treasures
Whistle Stop Cafe Cooking
The Cottage Nest
Smart Woman's Guide To A Simple Life
Poppy and Ivy
My Cup Runneth Over
Little Jenny Wren
Notes From A Cottage Industry
Love Homemaking
Homemade Simplicity
If You have a blog and wish to be included in my blog list..just leave me a comment and I'll stop by and visit with you..and help to spread the news about your blog as well..and will add ya to my list.
Have a lovely day!

My little gal duck..Miz Daisy...laid her first egg either last night or early this morning..as my daughter discovered an egg in the bottom of the cage this morning when letting the ducks out of their cage.
Sad to say though.... the egg was only about 2 inches tall....very much like a bantam chicken egg ,and very unlike a normal duck size egg.It wasn't even small chicken egg size..but more like a bantam chicken sized egg. I'm hoping that when she goes to lay her next egg that it will be more the size it should be. The one she did lay had a thick shell to it..but...was just way too tiny.
We'll see...I'd like to be able to get an incubator..and by Spring have a few baby ducklings to sell..but ..we shall see how her egg laying goes.
I know I have shared a few recipes already with you all this morning..but let me share with you what I have cooking in the pot this afternoon.
Oh my goodness..but my house smells so yummy right now! Awesome smells coming from the kitchen!
---------------------~Tina's Sausage Stew~
In a large stock pot put the following items:
half of a large package of baby carrots
1/2 of a white onion sliced
4-5 stalks celery/chopped
5-6 red baby potatoes cut in half
6 half pieces of yellow corn on the cob
1 package of polish kielbasa sausage cut into small slices
salt and pepper to taste
italian seasoning to taste (the dry blend that has a variety of spices such as oregano, basil, etc. the green flakes)
6 cups of water to cover
Bring to a low boil..then turn heat down to a low simmer...let simmer for several hours or until ready to serve, and veggies test done.
~Enjoy!...from my kitchen..to yours~
(This is something that you could halve the recipe and put in your crockpot on high and cook for about 4-6 hrs. You can also switch out the varieties of sausage if you'd like..add a hotter variety of sausage. You can also make it more like a gumbo..by adding cooked, diced chicken along with the sausage..and even adding shrimp if you prefer..and a can of diced tomatoes and a few shakes of tobasco sauce for real "kick")
Have an absolutely lovely evening! And thanks for visiting with me.~The Garden Goose~
Thank you for adding me to your blog roll. I have added you to mine as well. It's always WONDERFUL to make new blogging friends. I look forward to reading your posts and taking a peek into the window of your life.
Gracious Hospitality
I will have to try that sausage stew. It sounds like heaven! I would love for you to visit me, too! I just found your blog, and it is delightful.
Hi La Tea Dah..thanks for adding me to your blog list.
And yes..it is always so fun to find a new friend.
hi Gayla..welcome to my little place on the "web". I hope that you'll visit again soon.
And oh my yes..the stew was absolutely yummy!
Hi Tina,
The stew looks good.Your baby duck is so cute. Are you getting lots of rain? We are. Just as long as the hurricanes stay away i am ok.
Hi Elizabeth,
We have been getting a fair amount of rain lately, but it usually only lasts about an hour or so then clears up by evening time.
Thank goodness we haven't had the hurricane storms this year..so far.
I hate having to evacuate all the time.
Oh, my ducks are full grown now Elizabeth..and probably by Spring time will be having ducklings of their own.(at least I hope so)They are the prettiest little "lawn ornaments"..ha. That lovwe to follow us around. They are a beautiful solid white.
Hugs to you, hope you have a lovely weekend.
That recipe sounded very good. Will have to give it a try. We still haven't seen or had any rain. We have cracks in the ground that will trip you. It is so dry and dusty here. Hope you and yours have a blessed day.
Hello Laura,
yes, the stew was so good..and me..sometimes all's I tend to want.. is a hearty dose of fresh tasting veggies..and this was full of them...but of course the sausage in it gives a nice touch of necessary protein too.
Sorry to hear that you all haven't had any rain lately. Hope you get some soon. We had a bad year here oh..about 8 yrs ago or so ago..it was terrible..the grass was crunchy and it was termed "desert conditions" and the scorpions started heading into the trailer we lived in at the time..oooh gross..and they'd be crawling on the walls and in the bathtub, and sinks in the bathroom.We moved very shortly after that...and bought this really nice house..and I haven't seen a scorpion around here yet..thank goodness!
Hope you have a lovely day today too.
hugs to ya friend!
Hello, thank you for adding me to your blogroll and thank you for your very kind and gracious comments on my blog.
I've never kept ducks but chickens usually start off their laying with small eggs, sometimes with no shells or with double yolks. It takes a while for the hormones to settle down. Maybe ducks are like that as well.
I'm now going to check out your magazine.
hello Rhonda..
About the duck...
I figured that with the first egg being so awfully tiny..that it would take a little bit of time for her to establish a routine..for her body to get used to the egg laying.Today we discovered another egg..this time it was normal sized..like a chicken egg would be..so I think she'll get to laying nice regular sized eggs.
I am enjoying your blog..hope you enjoyed the magazine.
Hope you get to feeling better real soon.
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