She was such a sweet presence in my life. The one from whom I gained a love of cooking and for the simpler things in life.
So many things I remember about her.
Her lovely smile. Sitting crocheting in her room , sipping sweet tea, or iced coffee. Always every day wearing an apron.
Homemade bread baking.
The best meals your mouth ever tasted.
Making homemade noodles together.
Just sitting in silence..just free to be us.
Heart strings tied together.
Hard to describe the bond..but it was precious. So very precious to me.
Granny..I miss you.
Oh I know the feeling! I miss my grandmothers terribly...wish they were around to talk to...I miss that!
Such a nice tribute to your grandmother. We lived in the same home as my maternal grandmother in an old house with a center hall. She had one side of the house. We had the other, and I remember what a treat it was to "go spend the night" with Grandmama on her side of the house! It was also a treat to go eat lunch with her and to help her make oatmeal cookies. I still have some of her recipes (pear pickle) written on faded index cards in her handwriting.
My grandmother lived with us ever since a few months before I was born. She had her own room in the house too..and had a mini refrigerator and snacks. :0)We'd sit together and work on puzzles and chat.I have alot of recipe cards too in my granny's handwriting.
what a lovely tribute Tina. My granmother lived with us also for many years. SDhe was one of the grandest women I've ever known.
This was so beautiful- I never knew either of my grandmothers and only one grandpa. I feel like I missed out on something whenever I hear people talk about the connection they have with their grandmommies...
She looks like a lovely woman- I like her smile...
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