Friday, August 31, 2007
Cinnamon Spiced Pear Topped Cake...
Posted by
Tina Leavy
6:27 PM
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Well..I did it..and more... I went ahead and sent in a digital portfolio to the photography company that has an opening here in my town.
Posted by
Tina Leavy
5:40 PM
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Hi there friends...
Hi there friends.....hey..I like saying that word.."friends"

Posted by
Tina Leavy
4:02 PM
Monday, August 27, 2007
Corners of My Home...
Thought I'd share some "corners of my home" photos and descriptions with you all.
Of course..this is how it looks now..but I'm always changing things around from time to time...ha.
Anyhow..thought I'd share a few peeks into my home. First..this is my entry way......> with my entry display table..a small table that my husband made several years ago.
The walls in the hallway are all a minty green color with the wallpaper in a parchment color with the apple tree type print.
Leading into the living room and directly past the pantry area... is a tiny alcove area where I keep a cupboard with our homeschool supplies, but up on the top of that is a fun display area and hanging on the wall is a shelf of tea cups... there is a hook in the ceiling from which one of my all time favorites hangs..a vintage look pedal bike airplane piece..I love is so whimisical!
Well...there you have it..."the grande tour"..ha.
Posted by
Tina Leavy
5:16 PM
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Fun day...
Had a fun day today...oldest daughter and I got up earlier than the rest of the family and headed out to some garage sales and thrift shops until noon today. It was fun. I found some nice things.
Well, that's all for now! Hope you had a great day today!
Posted by
Tina Leavy
6:50 PM
Friday, August 24, 2007
Good evening!....
And hopefully get a little word out about my photography at the same time through the shop.:0)
Posted by
Tina Leavy
7:40 PM
A nice day to you!...
Well, it seems like our residential hummer is back in the area. Last year it was a visitor around October..and hung around our bottle brush tree sipping nectar in the evenings. It would also stop to rest periodically in our drake elm tree and also on some branches of the bottle brush tree. See the pictures to the right. You can click on the box to get a better view of this winged jewel. It is a female ruby throated hummer.
This morning we set up the nectar feeder up under the drake elm tree on a shepherd's hook. I'm hoping that I'll be able to get some more images of our winged friend this year. I have some more errands to the bank, post office and to get some nautical images printed out at the photo lab for a shop downtown that wishes to buy some more of my small matted images..yay!
I've been working on doing a little decor re-arranging in my house..moving the wall decor around and creating a new look. It's the frugal girl's way of creating an all new look..on the cheap! ha.
but works..and it's actually fun.
Well..I've got to get these errands whipped out today. I hope that you all have a very nice day today!
Thanks for joining me in "blogland."
~The Garden Goose~
Posted by
Tina Leavy
10:16 AM
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
have you ever...
Have you ever tried one of those little quizzes that ask you "What kind of flower are you?"
Well..I decided ..o.k...I'll try it and see what it comes up with.. it is... just something for a little fun.( sweet :0)
You Are A Lily |
![]() You are a nurturer and all around natural therapist. People see you as their rock. And they are able to depend on you. You are a soothing influence. You can make people feel better with a few words. Your caring has more of an impact than even you realize. |
Posted by
Tina Leavy
10:18 PM
A trip down memory lane...
I visited Aunt Jenny's Blog(Aunt Jenny's World) the other evening..and she happened to mention the flurry of activity around her house as members of her family were preparing their entries for the Country Fair.
Well..that got me to thinking...rather remembering a few events from my childhood..and one of my funniest memories that involved a Country Fair in a way...
------------------- year I was oh..I guess about 13 yrs old..and ..
My dad worked in the orange groves..running a backhoe helping to keep the huge drainage ditches clear of debris in the groves.
We kids never knew what type of critter would wind up making its way home to us by way of traveling in either dad's shirt pocket..or tucked into his large black lunchbox. evening here comes dad..with a big grin on his face..home from the groves..the work van dropping him kids running out to greet him. The big orange igloo cooler in one hand, his black lunch box in the other.
He quickly told us 3 girls..(I am the oldest girl, with two twin sisters that are 3 yrs. younger than I, and a big brother that was 2 yrs. older than I.)
to gather round on the rug in the living room. And for me..since I was the oldest to get in the middle..and for all of us to get really close to the lunch box.
So here we were.. us 3 girls ..all huddling over this big black lunch box. With our faces all pressed close together. And dad says" gotta get closer" So we are as close as we can possibly get without tumbling over..just as excited as anything.
So dad says to me" carefully and slowly open the lid Tina Michelle"
So..I did....and....
There sitting in that big black lunch box were 6 big ole ugly eyes just a staring back at us!!..and all of the sudden ...all 3 of us shot up out of that floor like a cannon had gone off!
Oh land sakes alive! One of us went towards the front door, one of us headed towards the hallway..and me..I took off like greased lightning for the back door! We screamed to the high heavens!
Big ole bullfrogs had a taken' off after us! and were proceeding to jump all over the living room and landing on the kitchen table!
Once we figured out what they were...we gathered our wits about us..and my sisters proceeded to capture said wanted nothing to do with those slimy critters.
But..I'll tell you what..Dad had just brought home the entries for the Country Fairs first ever "Frog Jumping Contest!"
I think back now as to why dad had that silly grin on his face..I think he well knew what those frogs would do..and the reaction it would cause once we saw those big ole ugly eyes staring back at us!..ha
Those frogs were so big they had to be kept in a small birdcage.
My sisters took the frogs to the fair..and one of them won a trophy.
My grandmother used to set up a craft booth at the fair with her crocheted items for sale. After the frog jumping sisters kept the prize winning frog/frogs in a cage up under the table. Folks kept coming by looking at those huge bull frogs and asking if they could buy them for frog legs. My dad told them "No" they aren't for frog legs, but if you want to buy them to use as breeding stock in your pond..then I'll sell them." He wound up selling them for I think it was about $10-$12.
I used to be involved with 4-H as a kid..and our 4-H group was called "The Hillsborough Hillbillies" because we lived on a road called Hillsborough.
I was the treasurer/secretary of our club. Our neighbor was the club coordinator.
The things that I remember studying about in 4-H were horticulture, and poultry.
I remember entering art work..mostly oil paintings I had done.
It was always fun to bring home a ribbon.
I also always loved the livestock exhibits...and the craft booths..that was really my most favorite part of the fair..seeing the animals and the crafts that folks would make. I wasn't ever very interested in the rides.
So..there you have it..a few of my memories from "way back when"...that had to do with the "Country Fair" :0)
Thanks for joining me in "blogland"
Have a wonderful evening!
~The Garden Goose~
Posted by
Tina Leavy
8:39 PM
Monday, August 20, 2007
"Glowingly Yours...and more...
Sure it produces that good old "Southern Belle Glow"...ha..and of course that depends upon what Southern Belle is telling the tale too.
Posted by
Tina Leavy
4:40 PM
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Deep Dish Struesel Topped Pear Pie
I did tell you all that I would start creating something with the pears gathered from off of my pear tree..and this is a recipe that I invented this evening..yummy too! and not too difficult.
~The Garden Goose~
Posted by
Tina Leavy
10:17 PM
"Shine! Shine!"...and "Just To BE"....
This morning being a Saturday..we all slept in a bit. ...but wee 3 yr. old and I were up earlier than everyone else and so we decided to rouse the others.
Posted by
Tina Leavy
2:23 PM
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Ode to the South!...
Another of the entries in the little contest ..I thought this one was deserving of a post all by itself..because I just loved it!
Posted by
Tina Leavy
1:24 PM
And the winner is.... and more...
Today was the drawing for the "Breakfast in the Bag"
One of those dear friends shared her favorite poem with me..and I must say I love this poem also.

Posted by
Tina Leavy
12:42 PM
Monday, August 13, 2007
Some Recipes to Share....
Posted by
Tina Leavy
11:15 PM
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Whoa! Nellie...

Posted by
Tina Leavy
5:49 PM
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Holding on to the Memories...

Posted by
Tina Leavy
10:55 PM