Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Daily Perk Up!

My daughter had bought a box full of really old vintage paterns a while back, and this evening while going through some of the items she came across a clipping from a 1937 newspaper.

It was an ad for a "Daily Perk- up!" from a "Perkins Motors " Chrysler*Plymouth"
Anyhow...I wanted to share with you all the darling saying this little ad had.

Plan more work than you can do:
Then do it.

Bite off more than you can chew:
Then chew it.

Hitch your wagon to a star:
Keep your seat:
And there you are!
Now doesn't that little rhyme just give you a grin?
It did me..and I hope that you all enjoyed it too.
Have a lovely day!
--------- ~The Garden Goose~


2 LMZ FARMS said...

Hope this finds you doing well. Sounds like you have been busy. Are you sure you don't want to come and clean the junk out here at my house.?lol I liked the quote. Hope you and yours have a blessed day.

Amy said...

it did make me smile!