Sunday, August 31, 2008

Meet my family..they all blog now too!!!

Meet my mom!!! She just joined "blogland"

Please stop by and say hi to my mom and welcome her to "blogland"

Meet my sister Sharon!:
Please stop by and say hi to her and welcome her to "blogland"

Meet my sister Emily!:
Please stop by and say hi and welcome her to "blogland"


~The Garden Goose~


2 LMZ FARMS said...

Hope your hands are better. I hope that ya'll didn't recieve any of the storms off the hurricane. Last I heard from JB was that there was some tornados coming off it and they were retreating back to ride the storm out and then afterwards going out to asset the damage. They are housing all 1500 troops in an old warehouse without any air or anything. He said he didn't know when he would get a shower. Gonna drop in on your family. Hope you and yours have a blessed day.

Aunt Jenny said...

Hey...I will have to check out your family blogs!!!
There is a new giveaway on my blog right now if you are interested.
Have a nice labor day..I hope you are out of the path of Gustav! I worry about all my southern friends!

The Gathering Room said...

thanks for the tuitorial on blogging..sent it to my two sisters whom I have been trying to convince to family blog...visited your family's sites..they are doing great!