Sunday, March 13, 2016

easy recycled seed starting ideas

Spring is in the air…and with that comes the desire to want to watch things grow, as well as to perhaps try your hand at growing your own flowers or vegetables.
How can you do this and save money..and recycle all at the same time?
The answer is as close as your kitchen..for starters…
do your kids enjoy things like yogurt and apple sauce?
The plastic containers are terrific for using as seed starting equipment.
I have compiled a list of items that are easily found in your kitchen cupboards as well as other item you might already have on hand.
plastic yogurt containers
small apple sauce or fruit cup containers
baby food jars
egg cartons
egg shell halves
soup cans
jelly jars
butter containers
cottge cheese,ricotta or other plastic food tubs
old tea cups or bowls that can still hold soil even if they might have a chip on them
plastic sundae cups with lids from fast food places make cute self contained little growing containers..the lids help keep in humidity
plastic berry containers
cardboard boxes lined with plastic grocery bags
…….. this is just a start on the types of items that can be recycled and used to start your seed growing.Take a look around your kitchen and the rest of your house to see what types of things can be recycled and used to start your new garden.
Have fun and happy gardening!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

i have returned...changed...and ready for new beginnings!

hello has been many moons since I have taken any time to write here or much anywhere else for that matter...we all know that life often gets in the way..and often times it can have very painful and heartbreaking moments along the journey...and so it goes...
 I took quite the leave of absence from writing and expressing myself and sharing for nearly three or more years now as I found my marriage of nearly 24 yrs crumble and fall apart and end in a divorce two years ago.
 I went through the full gamut of grief and the full gamut of the do's and don'ts of  reentering single life after twenty four yrs as being a wife and stay at home mom.. and rediscovering who I was...
Of course I tried the dating scene and found that to be rather difficult terrain to navigate after twenty four yrs...and then there has been the getting back into the work force after having been a stay at home mom and home educator for 24 yrs. Unfortunately..when looking for a job not everyone enjoys the fact that those skill setsof beibg a mom.and wife required some pretty serious dealings in the realms of multi tasking..organizational skills and so much has to be something put on paper to show the massses apparently...and so the challenges have been there and they have been real...
 It has not been a cakewalk on this whole journey of rediscovery....finding out that I was and am more than just a mom...more than just a woman that was kicked aside for a different model...that I am capable of reinvention and self diascovery..of being alone and liking it..of being able to accomplish things I never thought I would...of getting back to self esteem...maybe a little slowly...but still getting there...and learning that Im still a a good mom...but now I'm free to be be a strong capable independent woman...and that I am worthy of being loved...simply for who I am....and that is a wonderful feeling.
 And so I re greet you my friends both old and new...and I greet new life...with open arms and a renewed heart. Life is is always good..even when we have to go through things that cause us to grow in ways we never thought we would have to...I welcome these new changes..this new life..this new chapter....
The pages have been is a new chapter...let the writing of it begin with love...light..and with grace and the giving of thanks...!