Saturday, September 13, 2008

Happy Sunday to you!

So..I managed to get the youngest children's room totally cleared out Saturday..and I mean really cleaned out..with the help of my oldest daughter.(thanks N...hugs)

But cleaned up cleared out it is now.
Amazing how when you think you had it really cleared out before..there's even more you can stand to clear out..and so we did.
A big plastic bin full of toys and games and so forth.
Then 2 big garbage bags full of outgrown clothes.
And this after we recently had a big garage sale where we cleared out a lot of stuff. Where oh where does all of this stuff come from?
------------- the kids room looks decent enough for when we start doing the showing of the house.
Now..on to other rooms in the house.
Next up will be the master bedroom..totally clearing that out and any little paint touch ups in there that need it.
Some of the base board and door frame in there can stand a wee bit of paint touch up.
And so can the master bathroom stand a wee touch up of paint on the baseboard and the door frame in there..just the usual little things that happen in the course of 8..nearly 9 yrs of living in a home.
A few wee things need "freshened up" a little..nothing major.
But as far as the clean out of the master bedroom goes..I found hubby in there today with all of his clothes piled on the bed..and he was majorly going through all of his clothes and getting rid of lots of things...whoo hoo!...glad he tackled that chore for me.
Now I have to do my part of the closet..ha.Oh boy!
I've not done any art creations lately(this week anyhow..except for the one at "Mind Wide Open")...just trying to clear out things around here..and make sure I am cleaning out as much as I can around here..major purge out..and being rather ruthless about I certainly don't want to have to pack alot of unnecessary things.
I do know that I want a lot of my decorating in the new house to be done with the little vintage items I have collected for a little while..and things I have tucked back especially for the new home.
So, I still have sorting out and decisions to be made about some things.
What to keep..what to get rid of.
I do not want to go through the hassle of having another garage sale at all here.
So...some things will be donated to thrift shops in the area..and a few things will probably be sold online.
Well....I had an errand to do yesterday afternoon..and one of my stops was at the newly renovated Winn Dixie nearby...I was amazed at how highly priced the produce was. Oh my..I miss having a garden!
Outrageous prices on some of those things.
I cannot wait until this place sells and I can be in a new home planning and plotting a new garden and growing things again.
Sure I have my flowers....but when I see the prices so steep on things that can easily be grown in a family garden..I'm like..I can do that! and I want to do that!
But..I'll have to be patient and wait until I can totally start over on that aspect of things..
Well...I do hope that you all have a "Happy Sunday!"
Thanks for stopping by!
Enjoy the day!

~The Garden Goose~

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